"I AM NOT a woman who can always resist chocolate, wears make up to the pool, and has spotless floors all the time. But I am strong. I am invincible. I AM MOM." ~B.O.B

Monday, May 26, 2008


I can't believe how big Madi is getting. She suprises me every day. She's not quite crawling, but I expect it any day now.

She is putting everything in her mouth. (Even hard boiled eggs... shell and all)

She grabs everything from hats to cell phones, and has super fun play dates...


So Carson bought me a 4wheeler about the same time we found out we were pregnant last year. I got to ride it once. This was my first ride since we had Madi.

We decided to let Charlie come too. She got tired after a while. We all had a great time.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Madilyn Avery

My beautiful daughter is almost 7mo. old. I can't believe time has gone by so fast. She is the most wonderful thing I've ever known. She can now sit up, eat finger foods, and take steps (if I hold her hands) She is almost constantly happy. If you smile at her, you are guaranteed a smile back. I have heard it time and time again, "I've never seen such a happy baby." We are truely blessed to have Madi in our lives. Her new thing is to give the biggest open mouth kisses. She will grab you with both hand and pull you straight toward her wide open mouth. It's more slobbery than doggie kisses. We just love it!

My Husband

Carson is a great husband! I honestly believe he is my perfect match. As you can tell from this photo, he likes to snowboard. He has supported me and taught me how to do many things. Like how to snowboard, how to stay on a 4-wheeler while jumping and landing it, etc.

He is also wonderful with our daughter. I love watching him interact with Madi. She makes him so happy. I couldn't ask for a better family.

My Little Family

I'm Rachel Hatch and this is my little family. My husband, Carson, and I were married in the Logan, UT, Temple on Dec 30, 2004. Carson gave me our dog, Charlie, for my birthday in 2006. Our daughter Madilyn was born Oct. 20, 2007. I wouldn't say our family is complete just yet, but we are deffinately off to a good start.