"I AM NOT a woman who can always resist chocolate, wears make up to the pool, and has spotless floors all the time. But I am strong. I am invincible. I AM MOM." ~B.O.B

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What's important to me...

It's funny whats important to a child . . .
. . . like picking dad's green tomatoes . . .
. . . and wearing sassy red boots . . .
. . . pants are optional.


Jeanne said...

Time to amke fried green toamotes. Yumm!

Lolly said...

Dude....I still agree with her on the pants are optional!...but no matter what you have to have the sassy red boots. Yes please! I'll take two!

the hatch batch said...

She's just so cute!

deargoodness said...

Nate said Madi looks like you in this picture. Does he mean the no pants? hahhaha