"I AM NOT a woman who can always resist chocolate, wears make up to the pool, and has spotless floors all the time. But I am strong. I am invincible. I AM MOM." ~B.O.B

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cal Update

30 weeks . . . 10 to go . . .
(or less, cross my fingers) We'll we have been slowly but surely preparing for the arrival of our Baby Cal. So far everything has been normal and healthy. I passed my glucose test with flying colors. (I'm always a little worried about that one) I'm starting to get pretty excited. I decided to put up by 1st official Baby Cal decorations.
Here is a close up . . .If you weren't aware, we are having a cowboy theme for this baby. With a husband like Carson I really had no other choice.

1 comment:

Lolly said...

So cute. I wish I could be there to see how cute it all is.