"I AM NOT a woman who can always resist chocolate, wears make up to the pool, and has spotless floors all the time. But I am strong. I am invincible. I AM MOM." ~B.O.B

Thursday, July 28, 2011


If the forbidden fruit tasted like ripe nectarines, I would have eaten it too. In fact, I don't know how Eve resisted it for so long. I don't know about anyone else, but I haven't been able to go to Walmart without smeeling and buying the wonderful peaches and nectarines. Aroma is the best sales tactic for me!

Today I walked by the produce and once again couldn't resist and bought 3 nectarines. I decided to share mine with Katie. Needless to say, she coudln't get enough...

Yes she was crying, but it's because she didn't want to suck on it. She wanted to eat it. I open the pouch and gave her little mushy bits and she was in heaven.


Emily said...

Buster has a toy like that. You put the treat inside and he has to work with the toy to get it out. Its surprising how much baby toys are like dog toys. Or how much your baby is like my dog. :)

the hatch batch said...

That is adorable. I love the way she was shoving it into her mouth. I feel that way about peaches and nectarines too. :)